ziua meselor scolare carmistin
Projects and campaigns

School Meals Day has reached its second edition

Carmistin Foundation organized the second edition of the campaign School Meals Day. This year, the action was again dedicated to children from rural areas, namely students from the villages of Boroșteni, Brădiceni and Peștișani (Gorj) and Frâncești (Vâlcea).

School Meals Day, celebrated annually by the Carmistin Foundation, together with the students, consists in the distribution of packages of hot food, prepared from the portfolio of products La Provincia, brand of the Carmistin Group. In addition to food, the 370 students from the schools included in the 2024 edition of the project also received backpacks from the Carmistin Foundation.

School Meals Day is an initiative through which we want to be as present as possible in the life of the local communities where the Carmistin Group owns farms and food production and processing units, by getting involved in education and family projects. We would like to thank the children who have welcomed us into their schools and who have rewarded our gesture with their smiles.said Andra Paraschiv, President of the Carmistin Foundation.

Prof. Dacian Cioacă, the director of the Secondary School in Frâncești: We enjoy your presence and what you do for the communities in which you work. Thank you for taking the initiative to bring smiles to the faces of the children in our school.

Prof. Alin Dobromirescu, Director Constantin Brancusi Technological High School, from Peștișani: In addition to the joy of the children, we particularly appreciate the initiative of the Carmistin Foundation to contribute to raising awareness for good and healthy nutrition for all children and we express our conviction that such initiatives, so necessary, will always find their place in the projects of the Foundation, which we thank for this beautiful day.

About School Meals Day

About School Meals Day, the second edition of the Carmistin Foundation campaign, which our team organized in several villages in Valcea and Gorj counties, in a material made by the Radio Prahova team, which we thank, as always, for the interest in the Foundation's activity. 🌹

Posted by Carmistin on Tuesday, April 2, 2024

International School Meals Day is celebrated annually on the second Thursday of March in recognition of the importance of food in the lives of schoolchildren around the world. The event highlights the need for good nutrition for all children, regardless of their background or the circumstances of their upbringing and education. The day also promotes healthy eating habits, highlights the link between quality nutrition, education and better learning and encourages understanding of nutrition in schools.

In Romania, the Carmistin Foundation started the campaign in 2023, with the intention of creating, in the medium and long term, a wider community to share material resources, experiences and best practices about the importance of food in school communities.

About Carmistin Foundation

The Carmistin Foundation is part of the Carmistin Group, currently positioned among the top three food producers in Romania, with over two decades of experience. The group comprises more than 20 companies active in poultry meat and egg production, pig breeding, cattle breeding and cereal production.

The objective of the Carmistin Foundation for this year is to initiate social responsibility projects as varied as possible, reflecting the concern of the Carmistin founders to assume a positive and active social role in society. Our team has been involved in more than 500 social, educational, humanitarian and voluntary actions in recent years, especially for children and the communities in which we operate and beyond.

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