dulapiorul cu jucarii fundatia carmistin
Media room, Health and Family

Carmistin Foundation funds Toy Box

When you walk through the scariest darkness, you look for any ray of light to cling on to. This is the story of Ariana, a sick little girl. Her ray of sunshine was a cupboard full of toys at the hospital where she was going for treatment. Raluca, her mother, told us about hospital’s initiative. To ease children’s pain, they established a toy box, each kid receiving a toy after treatment. Only problem was, Ariana’s turn didn’t come till the end of the week, by then the toy box was empty.

Raluca understood the meaning of the toy box and did her best to ensure that it would never empty again. It may not seem like much, but for children struggling with a difficult illness, it can be the greatest joy, especially on treatment days, she told us. The Carmistin Foundation is honored to join her in this effort, presented as part of A1's AjutEu campaign, and help keep the cupboard full of toys and hope.

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